GAP Microfinance Limited is 4 Years

The GAP Microfinance Limited recently celebrated its fourth anniversary at a Thanksgiving Service held at the Jubilee House at Osu-Kuku Hill in Accra on 27th March 2018.

The company which is solely owned by the Ga Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana received its licence to operate on 25th February, 2014 and formally opened its doors to the public on 3rd March, 2014. The company deals in various Deposit and Loans products including Susu, Savings, Fixed Deposit, School Fees loans, Osofo loans and Consumer Equipment loans.

The Board Chairman of the company, Mr. J. N. B. Tetteh in a speech acknowledged the founding brains behind the setting up of the company especially, Rev. Dr. Godwin Odonkor, former Chairperson of Ga Presbytery and current District Minister of Kaneshie and Rev. Rose T. Abbey, former Clerk of Ga Presbytery and presently a Minister of the Tema Joint Church.

He praised the current Ga Presbytery Council, especially the two Principal Officers Rev. Dr Victor Abbey and Rev Dr. William Quaye for giving the company the necessary corporate governance space to operate efficiently. He noted that GAP Microfinance can easily be classified as one of the best operated and well managed microfinance companies in Ghana which practices the highest standard of corporate governance right from the commencement of operations. Currently it has well over seven million cedis in deposit, from over two thousand customers.

The Chairperson of the Ga Presbytery, Rev. Dr. Victor Abbey, encouraged the Board, Management and Staff to work hard and project the name of God and the church of Christ in all their activities adding that he trusts the Board to do a good job with their expertise and vast experiences to the glory of God.

Rev. Dr Victor Abbey who is also the acting Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana wished and hoped that GAP Microfinance will reach a higher level to help promote the work of God and expressed joy to be part of the success of the company.

Customers who were part of the anniversary celebration who have been very happy with GAP Microfinance products and services and who gave goodwill messages on the occasion included Rev. Desmond Nai, Head of I.T at the Presby Head Office, Rev. Adom Adjah, Rev. Kpentey, Catechist Kwafo, General Assembly Director, AHRM Department and Mrs. Evelyn Naa Kwaley Darkwah. They all expressed their satisfaction in doing business with the company and recommended it to the Church and public at large.

Long-serving staff, Mr Fred Smart-Abbey (Branch Manager), Mr Theophilus Dongotey (Accounts Officer) and Mr John Odame (Teller) were introduced and congratulated for their loyalty.

An anniversary cake was cut by the Principal Officers and the Board of Directors to climax the

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